

Your unique solution

Link is the one and only tool for your needs

Launched in December
remote from day one
0 +

Our Mission

Empowering Communication Through Security and Innovation

Our mission is to create a secure, reliable, and user-friendly platform that meets the diverse needs of businesses and individuals. We believe that effective communication should be accessible to everyone, without sacrificing privacy or security.

Our Values

For Profit

Ensuring you and your team deliver, every step of the way

For Purpose

Committed to secure, compliant, and effective communication.

Diverse Team

Our diversity is our strength, driving innovation and customer satisfaction.

Better Everything

Striving for excellence in security, compliance, and user experience.

Meet Our Team

Cooper Dias

Marketing Designer DURHAM, NC

Jaylon Franci

Marketing Designer DURHAM, NC

Kadin Baptista

Marketing Designer DURHAM, NC

Cooper Dias

Marketing Designer DURHAM, NC

Our Clients

3000+ Companies Trust Sturtaplanding to build landing page for their dream product


4.9 Stars

5121+ Reviews

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Get started with the most secure video conferencing solution today. Free for 14 days.